Sound Healing is dated back to Ancient Egyptian times approx. 4000 BC and continues to be used to this day. The Tibetan Monks utilize daily sound therapy in their meditational practices along with their 5 Rites practices. Sound as we know, carries in various frequency waves and vibrations that can significantly impact our Mind, Body & Soul. In Sound Healing, the combination of sounds are intended to slow your thoughts, relax your mind, slow your breathing and heart rate causing a hypnotic like relaxed state. Remember the human body is mainly comprised of water, so it is very responsive to these frequencies and vibrations. Please set aside 70 min to listen to the attached Sound Healing session. Try to lay down flat in a quiet, preferably dark place then closing your eyes followed by taking in a few deep and slow breaths. Relax and let the realigning begin on your journey to create Your BEST Life YET!
**Warning/caution: This can and will cause an REM Sleep like phase/state. DO NOT listen while driving, working or operating heavy equipment. Enjoy and Namaste