*** 24 Hrs Crisis Support Phone numbers: NAMI @1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or Text the letters NAMI to 741741 Or Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline @ 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
No ones life is perfect!! Now, re-read that sentence. We all have had situations where we have felt overwhelmed, alone, sad, stressed, wondering how we will meet our goals and responsibilities as we fall apart. Certainly this past year we have seen how COVID-19 has escalated the need for mental health support. As we have seen an increase in societal anger and frustration as people continue to feel isolated & afraid with so many unknowns. It is very much like Soldiers coming back from War with PTSD. This article from NAMI- National Alliance on Mental Illness is by any means NOT a recommendation for self help only. It is added here to support all of those who are suffering in silence to know they are not alone, increasing awareness there is support available including 24 Hr. Crisis Staff to assist with coping and help you on your path to overcome the challenges and help guide you to moving forward to a peaceful recovery. Thru counseling and education, you can learn effective coping skills to help you break the negative thoughts and patterns for moving forward. Life will always have challenges but its how you are able to handle those situations, managing your thoughts and then being able to take ownership and responsibility for your own actions and moving forward in a positive direction, putting you back in control and assisting you to Living your BEST Life YET.
*** 24 Hrs Crisis Support Phone numbers: NAMI @1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or Text the letters NAMI to 741741 Or Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline @ 1-800-273-TALK (8255).